Friday, March 13

Illustration Friday - legendary

i positively LOVE this week's theme, legendary! mostly because i love to read folk tales, legends, and stories passed down to us from well beyond our years.... much of my personal illustration reflects little worlds i've built up in my mind from every sweet and scary tale i've read. this particular illustration i call mountain village - a sleepy little place full of adventure potential for a folk character to run a muck, or save the day!


Nathanael Lark said...

Nice job! This little town really has the feel of someplace where a legend would be made. Really nice effort!

Carolyn said...

great balance between sweet and scary possibilities!

MrBibleHead said...

very nice lines. Your style is the stuff legends are made of!

Willie Baronet said...

Great perspective. :-)

Bella Sinclair said...

Oh, excellent! Every legend needs a quaint little village to start off. Love your lines.