Friday, May 29

Illustration Friday - Adapt

sweet magic my word got picked for Illustration Friday!

Wednesday, May 20

handknit baby hats

nothing makes me happier than making something from hand, and giving it away. when my dear mother in law told me she was knitting for a charity shop, i asked to help. these baby hats were all a quick knit or crochet, a days work for the set of four - they will be going to some very sweet and special babies out there come winter time, i'm certain!

knit with hand spun super bulky three-ply merino wool yarn- i'm in love with million colored plied yarns right now, spinning it takes eons on my mazurka wheel- and i completely don't mind when it ends up looking like this.

double stranded white acrylic and a pastel blend acrylic with a simple 2x2 rib border; hand knit.

this one is chunky bouclé acrylic filled with soft cool blues and purples knit with a lace rib border; hand knit.

double stranded yellow wool blend and a hand-dyed wool skein; hand crocheted party hat design

Friday, May 15

Illustration Friday - Contagious

i find paisleys are really contagious - i draw one, and then that one, through some strange form of fusion, or osmosis, spawns another...and another, and another- till the whole page is teeming with them...development of a periodic chart of paisley anyone?

Saturday, May 9


My walk went well, I found the small grove of native White Wild Bleeding Heart- also found the painted trillium growing like mad as well. the wild strawberries are flowering too - how i love spring.

also I found this sweet red spotted newt. three newts came round in one day!

Thursday, May 7

20th anniversary magnet design

Sweet friends let me play with their 20th anniversary magnet design,
I really enjoyed incorporating some of my illustration with it.

Tuesday, May 5

shadowbox spring day

the work days always seem most fulfilling to me - waiting for the weather to warm sufficiently, patience i have not.

the manure is raked thoroughly through the garden, waiting for the veggies to be transplanted...the beds are watered...the lavender is coming back of its own accord. the native strawberries are flowering - so much life and growing going on everywhere.

you know it is spring in vermont when the violets and trilliums have popped.

i love making violet sugar and sugared violets this time of year. we have many violet species, purple, white, yellow, and combinations thereof. the baby violet leaves are great salad greens.

Trillium erectum are pictured here, a native VT purple varietal. sad to not see any of the white Trillium grandiflorum, or the painted trilliums on the land so far, but i'll be happy with what i have. it is so exciting to see everything coming to life once again.

i'll be taking a walk to a favorite hiding spot of native white bleeding hearts and jack in the pulpits today or to come if they are around!