i like to think impossibilities only exist until you make them possible...if only by drawing them. like castles in the air.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. - henry david thoreau
hoping to make myself another batch tomorrow - so much fun to make. i really love to clip the tops to be able to yank off bits to dip into something delicious like artichoke dip.
here is my main prototype for the Earth Day Manchester Hot Glass magnet board illustrations - cute right? like lollipop heads growing from the ground. i plan to illustrate each one by hand..so they are literally one of a kind.
i have oodles of these glass hand cut magnets, they are like big permanent candies on my fridge. and even better, they are from recycled bits of glass from Andrew's work! check them out here - there is an Earth Day special for a set of 5 through April 26- which is basically a free magnet either way you slice it- you can get a heads-up on these deals and more by signing up for his newsletter.
I'm a freelance designer, illustrator, photographer, toymaker and teacher.
I have a deep appreciation for nature, art and craft, folktales and farming culture.
These things continually inspire my personal work.