Wednesday, December 30

calligram love

i have always been a fan of the calligram- (words creating an illustration/image) having made several of my own, I know how how much time and skill can go into them- check out this link which has an incredible blog roll of calligram designers.

Tuesday, December 15

Promo poster - 2D class

the promo poster for Spring 2010 Two-Dimensional Design class at CCV Rutland. So excited to teach this one!

Saturday, October 24

Illustration Friday - Fast

I still can't believe how fast time flies that the holidays are nearly here!
this is one of my entries for the Community College of Vermont's holiday card-

Friday, October 16

Friday, September 25

Illustration Friday - Pattern

I may draw patterns more than I draw anything else- something very pleasing about the repetition of form. the pieces and parts are hand drawn pen and ink, then digitally colored.

Friday, September 18

Illustration Friday - Infinite

hand drawn in pen & ink.

The power of imagination makes us infinite.

John Muir : American naturalist
John Muir (1838 - 1914)

Wednesday, September 16

food heaven for today

toasted sesame semolina bread, melty Camembert cheese, and smoked salmon.

Wednesday, August 19

depot fest logo

just finished this one up - its come so far from the original idea, reminds me how much i love the creative process...that i can go from a railroad concept to the final incarnation of a neighborhood fencepost!

this year Depot Fest is September 12th, noon-5pm on Elm Street in Manchester - hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 18

Graphic Design 1 class this Fall!

I'm so very excited to be teaching this Fall semester at Community College of Vermont in Rutland - if you want to learn more, visit CCV's website - classes start September 8th!

Saturday, August 8

grow love t-shirts

my first batch of grow love t-shirts are here!

as you can see, lots of colors to choose from,
they are $15 each, and first come, first serve basis -
sizes I have in stock range from kids small to adult xl
Stop in to delishdesign to pick them up locally-
Want to order online? Email me with your order and I'll send you a paypal link for payment.
Glad to custom order any color or size, just drop me a note!

Friday, July 31

Illustration Friday - modify

this card has been modified so many times - artwork added, then taken away, then new artwork added and refined...i like this current incarnation, but i'm sure i'll modify it again...its my nature!

Friday, July 24

idle - illustration friday

illustration friday's word of the week is "idle"
this is one of my sister's favorite sayings...

what is it they say about idle hands?

Wednesday, July 22

double cocoa sugar scrub - nibs to tags

Handmade, from the sugar scrub to the packaging! it feels so good to be able to do it all, nibs to tags. i'm doing a new monthly sugar scrub at the shop - first out is double cocoa...this sugar scrub batch is rich in powdered Dominican Republic cocoa blended with sugar and organic ground raw cocoa nibs- add in a bit of sweet almond oil, and frankly, I'd rather eat it- but it really does a fantastic job of lightly exfoliating your skin without too much oil left over for the steamy midsummer nights.

Each tag is hand drawn, the labels too!

contact or visit delishdesign to order
{quarter pints $10, half pints $20, +shipping}

Wednesday, July 15

first public reading of grow love!

Family Story Time @ Mark Skinner Library Features
Local Author/Illustrator Trish Weill

The Mark Skinner Library: Manchester's Public Library, presents a very special Family Story Time featuring local author/illustrator Trish Weill. On Thursday, July 30, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Trish will share her new picture book, "Grow Love," a book that is sure to warm the hearts and spark the imaginations of kids of all ages! Enjoy meeting Trish, experiencing her book, and making art yourself! This program is free and open to the public. Children must be accompanied and supervised by adult caregivers. For more information, visit the library's website at or call the library at 362-2607.

Can't make the reading? Learn more here, or stop in to delishdesign to pick up your own copy, or have one hand colored by trish!

Tuesday, July 7

hope, wish, dream greeting card

an oversized custom greeting card and print - he is such a sweetie pie.

combining photography and illustration always makes me smile!

Wednesday, June 24

new card designs

strawberry heaven & farm baby......two new over-sized custom greeting card designs from a photo shoot i did a few weeks ago...

Monday, June 22

balsamic broccoli & mushroom pasta salad

simple & delicious hot or cold!
start a pot of salted water to boil, cook the pasta. i used three different pasta shapes - including one whole wheat pasta.
grab a pan, saute a drizzle of olive oil with chopped broccoli until coated, then add in some Italian seasonings (half an Italian dressing packet works too) & balsamic vinegar, this stuff goes a long way, so go a dash at a time.
when the broccoli is almost to your liking, add in the mushrooms and cook till the mushrooms are done. salt & pepper. medium to low heat, or just keep your eye on it.

then toss all together and eat. or cool and then eat.
As far as measuring goes, I probably used just one head of broccoli chopped, and perhaps two cups of roughly chopped mushrooms. the proportion to the pasta salad was very small -but you can certainly beef this up...I keep thinking how great it would be to make this same salad, but add in roasted red peppers, garlic, or perhaps some grilled cherry tomatoes....

Wednesday, June 10

hand binding grow love

hand binding the book is taking much longer than expected-
but they are looking really great!
i like knowing that each one of these i have spent some serious time with.
They will be for sale soon, promise.
Do you want to know exactly when? where?
Subscribe to my newsletter, you will be the first to know!!

Tuesday, June 9

little farmer boy

what a gorgeous day it was, and what a fantastic little man I got to spend the morning with- thanks Jen for such fun!!

Friday, May 29

Illustration Friday - Adapt

sweet magic my word got picked for Illustration Friday!

Wednesday, May 20

handknit baby hats

nothing makes me happier than making something from hand, and giving it away. when my dear mother in law told me she was knitting for a charity shop, i asked to help. these baby hats were all a quick knit or crochet, a days work for the set of four - they will be going to some very sweet and special babies out there come winter time, i'm certain!

knit with hand spun super bulky three-ply merino wool yarn- i'm in love with million colored plied yarns right now, spinning it takes eons on my mazurka wheel- and i completely don't mind when it ends up looking like this.

double stranded white acrylic and a pastel blend acrylic with a simple 2x2 rib border; hand knit.

this one is chunky bouclé acrylic filled with soft cool blues and purples knit with a lace rib border; hand knit.

double stranded yellow wool blend and a hand-dyed wool skein; hand crocheted party hat design

Friday, May 15

Illustration Friday - Contagious

i find paisleys are really contagious - i draw one, and then that one, through some strange form of fusion, or osmosis, spawns another...and another, and another- till the whole page is teeming with them...development of a periodic chart of paisley anyone?

Saturday, May 9


My walk went well, I found the small grove of native White Wild Bleeding Heart- also found the painted trillium growing like mad as well. the wild strawberries are flowering too - how i love spring.

also I found this sweet red spotted newt. three newts came round in one day!

Thursday, May 7

20th anniversary magnet design

Sweet friends let me play with their 20th anniversary magnet design,
I really enjoyed incorporating some of my illustration with it.

Tuesday, May 5

shadowbox spring day

the work days always seem most fulfilling to me - waiting for the weather to warm sufficiently, patience i have not.

the manure is raked thoroughly through the garden, waiting for the veggies to be transplanted...the beds are watered...the lavender is coming back of its own accord. the native strawberries are flowering - so much life and growing going on everywhere.

you know it is spring in vermont when the violets and trilliums have popped.

i love making violet sugar and sugared violets this time of year. we have many violet species, purple, white, yellow, and combinations thereof. the baby violet leaves are great salad greens.

Trillium erectum are pictured here, a native VT purple varietal. sad to not see any of the white Trillium grandiflorum, or the painted trilliums on the land so far, but i'll be happy with what i have. it is so exciting to see everything coming to life once again.

i'll be taking a walk to a favorite hiding spot of native white bleeding hearts and jack in the pulpits today or to come if they are around!